a lot of things kept me busy lately. work was kinda demanding but i never felt tired doing it. a lot of things had been happening and i must admit i got affected with those changes. confused as i was, i made a huge decision that will define my career in the next few years. i was determined to get the job until i got to talk to someone who knew exactly what is going to happen after transition.
all along, i thought that these changes will displace us our jobs and tasks. i was so wrong all this time.
the person who we relied that will explain and clarify everything to us; unfortunately, did not. and because of such, i lost my respect to that person not entirely though. i am still giving him the benefit of the doubt. i just cannot imagine why he, of all people would just leave us hanging like that. tsktsktsk. maybe i just trusted him too much and i am still hoping that he has a very good explanation of all of these.
i must admit that after totally understanding everything and the tasks that we need to accomplish, i now have my doubts if i still wanna jump to that big career opportunity. too bad, i cannot revoke the application i made. on how things are going, it seems that we are 80-90% sure that we already have the job. according to them, the perks are humongous but just like how huge those benefits are, so as the risks, too. if i get axed in the position, i can never go back to my old position before assuming this. sounds fair but i still it scares me a lot. who would want a job with no security. i dunno, but i guess i've been involved too much and too bad, i can no longer turn back. i guess i just have to face whatever consequences this might entail. i just hope everything turns out fine.
update. i just heard that we had an interview with our boss to be on tuesday morning. it seems that there are 4 candidates for the position and they only need 3. i am laying everything in God's hand. if this is mine, Thy will be done.