last year, i purchased an android phone for my part time job without any clue what it is capable of. all i wanted is something that will let me browse the net and help me do my tasks for my 2nd job while i am travelling home so i can save time. little did i know that i will fall in love with it. aside from the fact that i am enjoying mobile internet everyday, i discovered that there are a lot of free applications that i can use. like this blogger application i am using while i write this post.
since i am into photography, having a camera that is always handy is somehow important especially during times that you feel that itch/need of capturing scenes or moments without your precious dslr. of course, the dslr's quality cannot be compared to a 3 megapixel phone cam but for artistic purposes, i think it can be at par. so my lovestory with phone photography started. in the span of 2 months, i have taken 100 plus photos from my phone and still counting. will post photos soon because i am still figuring out how to do it here.
to end this post, may i just quote a friend who is also an android user: she said, "android is love" and yes, i agree. :)
since i am into photography, having a camera that is always handy is somehow important especially during times that you feel that itch/need of capturing scenes or moments without your precious dslr. of course, the dslr's quality cannot be compared to a 3 megapixel phone cam but for artistic purposes, i think it can be at par. so my lovestory with phone photography started. in the span of 2 months, i have taken 100 plus photos from my phone and still counting. will post photos soon because i am still figuring out how to do it here.
to end this post, may i just quote a friend who is also an android user: she said, "android is love" and yes, i agree. :)
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