Saturday, November 24, 2007


a ghost from my past just haunted me. after three or four years of absence, he made himself felt yesterday. good thing he is a ghost and i did not get any glimpse of him or my bright sun shiny day will turn to gray.

it was in the midst of our town fiesta's parade/procession. in the midst of everyone's merry making. the jolliest event of the day. the main event to everyone's anticipation. i didn't know he was there nor i even care. the day he chose his other woman and illegitimate child over us and insensitively passed unto my shoulders his responsibilities, for me, he already ceased to exist. i know i am bad but i have all the reasons to feel this way. however, i still chose to be numb to that emotion.

and to you, i just a small favor to ask. since you already left your responsibilities, just don't show up. all the bad memories can't help but come back. i guess this will be the best for all of us.

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