politics here in the philippines just made a sudden turn. just last thursday, ex-president joseph estrada was given an absolute executive clemency. we don't know what was the motive of the current administration by doing this but their critics are saying that they just want to divert the attention of the public from the ZTE broadband deal controversy. whatever the reason of PGMA for granted erap's pardon, i just hope that it will lead to a national healing both social and political. i just hope this is for the greater good.
just an update, the death toll in the glorietta 2 explosion has reached 11 already. up until now, the cause of the explosion is still unknown. tsk tsk tsk.
just an update, the death toll in the glorietta 2 explosion has reached 11 already. up until now, the cause of the explosion is still unknown. tsk tsk tsk.
finished a few experimental art works last thursday and during the first week of this month. these come in small sizes only and are supposedly studies for the paintings i will submit for the november art fair in salcedo park this year. unfortunately, we were not given any slot. better luck next year. hehehe...
i am not so sure if the art pieces i made are good so i am posting them for you to judge. i hope you like them.:) i am not an abstractionist so please bear with me. honestly, i am kinda liking making abstract paintings and i hope i can do more on canvass. hehehe... btw, these are watercolors on board. this is the only available materials at home. yeah, i have oil colors but am still waiting for the canvas to come. hehehe...

Pimp your paintings in DA? Hehe. :D
sorry, they're coming soon!
it's ok. we don't have to meet a deadline naman e. hehehe... thanks. mwah!
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