Wednesday, December 20, 2006

almost christmas :)

i woke up early today to meet my colleague at glorietta 4 foodcourt. we bought some giftcheques for our kris kringle because we can't decide what to buy our "babies". the supposedly 10:30am meeting ended up at 12:30pm. traffic was so terrible and my colleague slept on me til 11:30am. great. so i just met her after purchasing the giftcheques and ate at mcdonalds. we had a long walk from glorietta to valero st. we were both sweating when we arrived at the office. hehehe...


i just dunno why during this time of the year there are a lot of people who clutter to the mall and the main streets are so dead traffic. oh well... it's the christmas rush as they say it. i dunno if i've blogged about this already but because of the holiday season, i was forced to take a different route going to work just to avoid traffic. but no matter what i do to avoid traffic, it's just inevitable during this time of the year. oh well...


five more days to go before christmas and i am going to spend that day in the office. i just chose to go to work during that day. reason?? the extra pay i can get by working on that day. i dont have anything to do on that day anyway. but i will definitely spend time with my mom. we will be attending mass in the morning and eat out before i head to work. the only question i got in mind is if i will be able to get a ride home on christmas eve and christmas day. wish me luck. :)

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